Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why Are Dpms Rifles Bad Why Is This ?Carbonated Soft Drinks Are Likely To Explode If Stored In A Warm Enclosed Cupboard. Why Is This ?

Why is this ?Carbonated soft drinks are likely to explode if stored in a warm enclosed cupboard. Why is this ? - why are dpms rifles bad

Alcoholic beverages may explode if kept in a locked cabinet hot. Why is this so?


Steve O said...

They add that the CO2 at a pressure of 4 atmospheres, learn to solve the CO2
dissolves in water is often much more pressure in the SPCE

but warm,
CO2 comes out of solution
And that is the airspace above the pits filled with CO2

the box is not designed to be much more pressure
And impact
I crossed in the summer of Utah

Steve O said...

They add that the CO2 at a pressure of 4 atmospheres, learn to solve the CO2
dissolves in water is often much more pressure in the SPCE

but warm,
CO2 comes out of solution
And that is the airspace above the pits filled with CO2

the box is not designed to be much more pressure
And impact
I crossed in the summer of Utah

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